What is SEO?
SEO are the steps to follow so that your blog is up at all in Google. Why talk about Google? Because Spain is the search engine that everyone uses.
Google 83.24%
Yahoo! 8.16%
Bing 4.67%
Google has very interesting things, but above all a showcase to the world . If you are the number one, number two or number three on Google, people you will find . And if you find people, you can sell you things, or you can teach things, whatever your goal.
Google is composed of about 200 factors that are taken into account when uploading or downloading pages, none of these factors is determinative. It is the mixture of all of them making a page is up or is down.
There are factors such as the age of the domain . If your domain is older than your competitor have a plus. Not very important, but it is a small point that sum.
If your hosting site is in Spain and you want to go number one in Spain also have a plus.
Three factors must be taken into account to position a page
These are the factors that will make the difference between being up and being down.
1. Content
Content is king. If you have good content you have big advantages. In a blog post good content is a good article.
2. Backlinks
It is essential to have good links from other sites pointing to your site.
3. Social Networking
Google is considering increasing social networks people are using to share a story or article.
Position from scratch
For any online recommend WordPress project, not only for blogs, even online shops, for your company website can be used for a thousand things.
Why WordPress. In terms of SEO, WordPress is a program that has a very clean code and Google loves platforms with very clean code. It is very easy to read for Google. When it is easy to read, the ability to understand what you will want to teach in this page is greater, and it is easier to get it up later in the search.
We refer to WordPress.org , not free WordPress.com platform.
We must always add plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast . This plugin enhances a platform that already is very good and I will upload one more level.
When people start to share an article, you're going to Google hinting that this article is important.
Create content
The perfect content for SEO issues is a content of about 1,000 words, with three photos and a video.
Putting a video makes people stay longer on the page and that is one of 200 factors that gives a plus.
A good content , but without being spectacular 400 words and two photos.
And saved the limit would be 250 words and a photo . This would be the minimum.
Algorithm changes
Google Panda
It's a Google algorithm change that took a year and a half, and penalizes all pages that have content copied from other sites or have little content.
Google Penguin
With this algorithm, Google started penalizing pages that had too many keywords on inbound links and links of poor quality.
Also criminalized blackhat , positioning technique in which you turn off Google guides to position a page. Using fraudulent methods. It has cut a lot, and now only works about 20% of what worked before.
Penguin 2.0
According to Google, is about to leave, and will finish the job, will finish off the last bad links that exist on the Internet.
Steps to follow to position from scratch
What seems natural
The best way to do SEO is that SEO appears . Good content and linking it go.
The content has to be spectacular for the links will come alone for what to get links from other sites. They must be of the same subject as yours and links must be in an article to write.
How do you get a natural link ? The natural link begins to ask friends share it on Twitter and Facebook. I send a little message and tell them, would you like them to me, give it to +1 or tuitearlo? That's how it starts the SEO.
If you suddenly have many link and then none for a while, it shows you've done SEO. It is better to go up little by little.
The next step is to enter a forum. Solve the doubts of the people in a forum. Try not to strain your link upon entering, because you're going to last two seconds in that forum. It brings something first and third or fourth message, plays enlacito to your page. These are links very basic , but also necessary, to give Google understand that growth is natural.
With the directories have to be a little careful, because the vast majority of the directories are already penalized. Directory links are good if they are inches. To see which ones are good and which are not, it is best to use Sistrix and see if the page is penalized (because traffic is has gone down). If you put a link on a page that is penalized, a small part of that penalty passed on to your page. never want to have links from sites penalized.
Alliances with blogs in your same theme
Form alliances with blogs in your same subject . Start with the people who are at your level . Put links to other similar blogs. I will see and then contact them.
Once you progress, you can go to the big gurus:
- Says a lot in their blogs
- Retweet your tweets
- Speak well about them in the forums and Put them links to your blog
- Write about them
- Entrevístalos on your blog . I will share on Twitter.
Surely with time consigáis a good link from your blog, and a link from a blog with a lot of authority in your industry is the best link that you can get to your site, to grow and move up positions. Such links are worth getting.
Replicate competition links
Another good technique is to replicate the links of your competition. See who are the blogs that link. You can see with Sixtrix with Open Site Explorer and Ahrefs.
The forgotten
The forgotten within SEO are the internal links , those who are dedicated to SEO are always trying to get links from other sites, which other pages we put a link. There is another possibility easier when your blog already has some force, some authority, you can use internal links, you can link from one article to another, use keywords and have the strength of one item to another.
Internal links get distribute the force that your blog can have, through all the pages in the blog, and with that we will ensure that all pages go up a little more on Google.
Linking to pages more authority than yours can draw attention from them. Can also produce an interesting effect. If five pages to write an article linking to multiple pages and yours authority, the authority of these pages are to yours.
Create contacts
If you want to go fast go alone
... If you want to go far go together
The contacts on the Internet and SEO issues are very important . Try creating very good contacts . They can get links links that you do not get it.
To be a good SEO Social engineering is needed, creativity and pour ...
There you get the links that your competitors can not get , these bonds are what make the difference . These links are the ones to get your page is above the rest.
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