Wednesday, 26 June 2013

How To Set Up Google Analytics in WordPress

Delivered on Google’s “world-class platform,” Google Analytics is a powerful way to monitor your site’s statistics. As flexible content-publishing software, WordPress provides a variety of ways to add Google Analytics (GA) to your web pages. These techniques range from including the GA tracking code directly to using plugins that are easy to customize from within the WP Admin area. In this DigWP post, we cover it all with 5+ ways to add Google Analytics to your WordPress-powered site.

Thanks & Regards

Ankit Nayak

Google’s Penguin 2.0 Rolled Out: Algorithm Updated to Fight Spam

Matt Cutts, Head of Google’s Quality Team announced on May 22, 2013 (i.e. yesterday) in his official blog that the fourth penguin algorithm update was complete to attain the version number 2.0. He denoted, “About 2.3% of English-US queries are affected to the degree that a regular user might notice”. Matt notified that this update is an update to the algorithm and not a data refresh.

Algorithm Update – Definition:Google's Latest Algorithm Update

Typically yields changes in the search results on the larger end of the spectrum. Algorithms can change at any time, but noticeable changes tend to be less frequent.

Data Refresh – Definition:

This occurs when data is refreshed within an existing algorithm. Changes are typically toward the less-impactful end of the spectrum, and are often so small that people don’t even notice.

Matt also redirects the readers and especially SEO’s to forecast the future updates by referring them a video that Google released lately on May 13, 2013. Here is the video for you:

Penguin 2.0 will target advertorials violating Google’s quality guidelines. Payed adverts which help in donating PageRank for a particular site are considered spam. Hence money transactions in return of passing on page rank will not be encouraged anymore. Matt expects this update to have a good impact on cleaning spammy search queries at least to some extent. Matt share about the future plans of Google to have sophisticated and much easier link analysis system.

Google plans to detect hacked sites in two different ways. The first method will get announced to us in form of a sole new update and they are at the verge of having discussions with webmasters trying to differentiate between a hack site and those sites which serve up malware. Matt warns website owners who are regular viewers and avid fans of black hat forums and other malicious content sites and asks them to detect and remove any bad links found in their sites using their webmaster tools account. He also had words on a same domain filling the entire page of the search results page for a single search query, that Google is trying to limit this fault.

Here are some notable comments received for Penguin Update 2.0:

“Well, what a great start to the day - my main website (5 years old) which has several hundred pages of unique, useful content has been slaughtered by Google. I had around 140 long-tail keywords which ranked on the first page which have all now dropped to page 2-4.”

“I don't understand what they are updating? I did an analysis over 30 websites. I found that whose page rank , domain authority, page authority and link profile are strong they are affected and the others who has nothing they get better position. I think Google should review their algorithm.”

“Great Update. Improved ranking much much higher! From 300+ to 100! and from 100 to 30! I am not worrying about update doing just what feels right to me and search engine rewards me with update... :)”

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Link Building 2013

Link building in SEO helps your website to index quickly. Link building may be a most desirable technique of SEO, It refers a lot of and a lot of users to website. This technique helps you to post your informative content anyplace on the online like forums and articles. Link building spreads root of the website on online and will increase quality so users will easily reach on the web site.Google consider quality and relevancy as main aspects for link building.

The most vital part of any SEO campaign is obtaining a lot of links to goal to your website. Links extremely the measure of power of website. The process of building relevant, incoming links to your website that facilitate your website execute higher ranking with the main search engines and drive targeted traffic to your site. Links that turn from another web site to yours are known as back links as a result of they aim back to your pages. Building these links, back to your web site, will facilitate improve your site's SEO results.

While link building is a key factor of an online promoting strategy. Link building alone won't facilitate your website win its natural ranking with the search engines, as long as link building is incorporated in an comprehensive approach to your website to gain total benefits from links from different sites and win its potential.

Link Building Factors :

Quality Back links
Content Relevancy
Content Distribution
Relevant Sites.
Quality Content

Link Building Techniques :

Article Submissions
Blogs Creation And Blog Commenting
Guest Posing
Search Engine Submission
Press Releases
Guest Blogging
Content Creation
Relevant Directory Submissions
Social Bookmarking

Saturday, 22 June 2013

How to Increase Get Traffic to your new Blog or Website-10 Tips

Well Traffic is important for any blog.The best ways to get traffic for your blog is from search engines.But what if you have new blog? Though you good content and not getting much traffic?

If you are the one who facing above problems then you are right place here i will tell 10 killer tips to increase your blog traffic.

 Must Check: 10 Mistakes to Avoid to Become Successful Blogger

How I Increased my Blog Traffic from 200 to 2000 visitors within 45 days

What i have did to Increase my traffic?

Well i think this is the question in your mind now.Many of new bloggers and my friends are asking me how i increased my traffic in less i decided to share this post.Below i have explained how and what i did these 3 months to get traffic for my blog.

1.Content is King:

content+is+kingI always believe that content is King if you have good content then automatically you will get good traffic.i used to write good content but my my article are never got indexed in 1st Google when i started my took sometime now maximum of my articles are ranking good.

so dint loose hope write good content as its new blog its take some time for Google to index your blog.

2.Submit your blog to search engines:

This is most important one.though you have good content if u failed to submit your blog(click here) to search engines then your all hard works goes most important thing as soon as you start your blog is submit to search engines.

3.Social Media:

Yes! this made me to get closer to success i was totally depend on facebook to get traffic for my new blog i used to share my blog posts daily in Facebook groups for 2 months without missing single day at that time my traffic is 300 visitors daily.Then i slowly stopped sharing my posts in groups,my traffic is down but happy thing is that i started getting search traffic form Google.

Stumbleupon: I only used facebook at starting one of my friends told stumbleupon can bring huge traffic for your blog.then i started using stumbleupon its amazing i got huge traffic form stumbleupon by sharing my articles.
After Stumble upon i would suggest you to go for Digg,Slashdot and reddit.

Tell you friends to Stumble your articles and share your blog posts

4.Used Proper Key words In you Post Title:

Using proper keywords is most important for getting you search traffic .If you don't have good tittle How can visitors expect good content in your posts?
Do keyword research for your each post by using Google Adwords:
By using this tool you can know how many organic hits for that keyword can also choose title for your blog posts by using this tool.

 for example: If your are writing about 10 best android games then its good to choose title like this Top 10 Best Free Android Games


If you are able to make your visitor to stay on your blog then you are success.The best ways is interlink within posts.

    Using anchor text in your posts is most important.for example:1 like below pic.


    for example 2:If you writing about 10 best android mobiles below 10,000 then also write check: best android mobiles below 15,000
    Get Related posts widget:  There are many related post widgets Get It here


6.Give Search Description:

This is most important for getting organic traffic.if your Post title not having that particular keyword then keywords in search description help you to rank your post.

7.Build Backlinks:

The best way to get back links is to write guest pots for other blogs and demand for 1 or 2 back links form their blog.

  Blog Commenting: Comment on commluv blogs to get back links.
  Don't forget that content is king if you write good content then you will get back links automatically.

8.Use Good Commenting system:

The good commenting system always helps to get more comments.more the comments more the authority more the authority more will be traffic.
There are many commenting systems but i Suggest you to use Disqus.

9.SEO- Search Engine Optimization:

SEO is always best way to get traffic from search engines like Google,Yahoo,Bing.
What is SEO and its Importance for Successful blog
We are going to post SEO tips and tricks from now that are useful for you to increase your blog traffic.if want any help in SEO Contact us here.

10.Selecting Good Template and Proper Domain:

    Yes! your template plays a major role in increasing in your blogs traffic.if its responsive and user friendly this make reader comfortable and helps to spend more time on your blog.
    Domain: Selecting domain is also important its my advice to select good domain i suggest you to prefer .com

Tips and tricks: for new Bloggers

My advice for new bloggers is to get traffic from social media like using facebook and Stumbleupon.i have a huge collection of Facebook groups.if you want them contact us.we are also having some Big facebook fanpages which can bring more traffic for your blog.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

SEO for blogs

What is SEO?
SEO are the steps to follow so that your blog is up at all in Google. Why talk about Google? Because Spain is the search engine that everyone uses.

Google 83.24%
Yahoo! 8.16%
Bing 4.67%

Google has very interesting things, but above all a showcase to the world . If you are the number one, number two or number three on Google, people you will find . And if you find people, you can sell you things, or you can teach things, whatever your goal.

Google is composed of about 200 factors that are taken into account when uploading or downloading pages, none of these factors is determinative. It is the mixture of all of them making a page is up or is down.

There are factors such as the age of the domain . If your domain is older than your competitor have a plus. Not very important, but it is a small point that sum.

If your hosting site is in Spain and you want to go number one in Spain also have a plus.

Three factors must be taken into account to position a page

These are the factors that will make the difference between being up and being down.

1. Content

Content is king. If you have good content you have big advantages. In a blog post good content is a good article.

2. Backlinks

It is essential to have good links from other sites pointing to your site.

3. Social Networking

Google is considering increasing social networks people are using to share a story or article.

Position from scratch

For any online recommend WordPress project, not only for blogs, even online shops, for your company website can be used for a thousand things.

Why WordPress. In terms of SEO, WordPress is a program that has a very clean code and Google loves platforms with very clean code. It is very easy to read for Google. When it is easy to read, the ability to understand what you will want to teach in this page is greater, and it is easier to get it up later in the search.

We refer to , not free platform.

We must always add plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast . This plugin enhances a platform that already is very good and I will upload one more level.

When people start to share an article, you're going to Google hinting that this article is important.

Create content

The perfect content for SEO issues is a content of about 1,000 words, with three photos and a video.
Putting a video makes people stay longer on the page and that is one of 200 factors that gives a plus.
A good content , but without being spectacular 400 words and two photos.

And saved the limit would be 250 words and a photo . This would be the minimum.

Algorithm changes

Google Panda

It's a Google algorithm change that took a year and a half, and penalizes all pages that have content copied from other sites or have little content.

Google Penguin

With this algorithm, Google started penalizing pages that had too many keywords on inbound links and links of   poor quality.

Also criminalized blackhat , positioning technique in which you turn off Google guides to position a page. Using fraudulent methods. It has cut a lot, and now only works about 20% of what worked before.

Penguin 2.0

According to Google, is about to leave, and will finish the job, will finish off the last bad links that exist on the Internet.

Steps to follow to position from scratch

What seems natural

The best way to do SEO is that SEO appears . Good content and linking it go.
The content has to be spectacular for the links will come alone for what to get links from other sites. They must be of the same subject as yours and links must be in an article to write.
How do you get a natural link ? The natural link begins to ask friends share it on Twitter and Facebook. I send a little message and tell them, would you like them to me, give it to +1 or tuitearlo? That's how it starts the SEO.
If you suddenly have many link and then none for a while, it shows you've done SEO. It is better to go up little by little.


The next step is to enter a forum. Solve the doubts of the people in a forum. Try not to strain your link upon entering, because you're going to last two seconds in that forum. It brings something first and third or fourth message, plays enlacito to your page. These are links very basic , but also necessary, to give Google understand that growth is natural.


With the directories have to be a little careful, because the vast majority of the directories are already penalized. Directory links are good if they are inches. To see which ones are good and which are not, it is best to use Sistrix and see if the page is penalized (because traffic is has gone down). If you put a link on a page that is penalized, a small part of that penalty passed on to your page. never want to have links from sites penalized.

Alliances with blogs in your same theme

Form alliances with blogs in your same subject . Start with the people who are at your level . Put links to other similar blogs. I will see and then contact them.
Once you progress, you can go to the big gurus:
  • Says a lot in their blogs
  • Retweet your tweets
  • Speak well about them in the forums and Put them links to your blog
  • Write about them
  • Entrevístalos on your blog . I will share on Twitter.

Surely with time consigáis a good link from your blog, and a link from a blog with a lot of authority in your industry is the best link that you can get to your site, to grow and move up positions. Such links are worth getting.

Replicate competition links

Another good technique is to replicate the links of your competition. See who are the blogs that link. You can see with Sixtrix with Open Site Explorer and Ahrefs.

The forgotten

The forgotten within SEO are the internal links , those who are dedicated to SEO are always trying to get links from other sites, which other pages we put a link. There is another possibility easier when your blog already has some force, some authority, you can use internal links, you can link from one article to another, use keywords and have the strength of one item to another.

Internal links get distribute the force  that your blog can have, through all the pages in the blog, and with that we will ensure that all pages go up a little more on Google.

Linking to pages more authority than yours can draw attention from them. Can also produce an interesting effect. If five pages to write an article linking to multiple pages and yours authority, the authority of these pages are to yours.

Create contacts
If you want to go fast go alone
... If you want to go far go together
The contacts on the Internet and SEO issues are very important . Try creating very good contacts . They can get links links that you do not get it.

To be a good SEO Social engineering is needed, creativity and pour ...
There you get the links that your competitors can not get , these bonds are what make the difference . These links are the ones to get your page is above the rest.

How to perform SEO on your blog? , I'd like you told us in the comments of this page. If you enjoyed this article,  share it on your social networks . If you do not want to miss the next items subscribe  to this  blog.

Search engine optimization (seo) - Tips for beginners

"All business is local" is an old Anglo-Saxon merchant award. At the same time also for performance-oriented small and medium-sized online marketing imperative. Many of your potential new customers will first search online for a supplier of the requested product or service required.

In addition to the placement over the web and in the app with a free ad , is also search engine optimization is another way to place online. The optimization of own ranking in a search engine is called SEO (English for search engine optimization).

Learn from the mistakes of others and consider you or your technical service provider / agency following 10 SEO Tips:

1. Do not design your articles too short, provide value-added content and increase. Thus the retention of users on your site

2. Customize the website an HTML document with a <title> the source code.

3. Create a list of relevant search terms, called keywords . Use this specifically in the text.

4. Abstain from the use of JavaScript.

5. Ensure a logical structure of your HTML documents. <h2> Headline should be connected to <h1> and be followed by <h3>. Use the <h1> heading only once on each side.

6. Do not use Flash, it is best to HTML 5

7. Do not use graphics instead of a title, the content of graphics because Google can not read.

8. Reduce the excessive use of meta tags . For example, the Meta tag for "description" makes sense, but the meta tag "keywords" is not relevant.

9. Look for a good URL design. Searches should be placed as far forward in the URL.

10. Strive. Provide quality backlinks (quality over quantity)

Classic SEO there is no longer reads a recent headline. But do not let that confuse you. What is meant is that it matters more than ever, in any action on sound content and the interaction becomes more and more important with the online users.

SEO Onpage 10 rules for positioning a website in Google

 When it comes to positioning a website in Google, there are two factors that play a decisive role. The SEO Onpage all techniques applied within the page. And the SEO offpage all techniques applied outside of the page. This entry and the rules mentioned here, are focused on onpage seo , I suggest you implement when building an entry for your blog.

We must not confuse onpage SEO with onsite SEO. When we speak of onpage SEO, basically we focus on the keyword and the rules applied to an entry in your blog. This includes using a proper header, good quality of content and where to write the keywords among others. We will look at each of these aspects in detail.

Why use onpage SEO for SEO?

When we do onpage seo, means that we follow a set of rules that are tested and they work to keep the first web search engine ranking positions. Now appear in Google goes beyond doing onpage SEO, it is also about the viral factors such as an article on social media, as often as people shared, quantity and quality of incoming links to the article and many other factors of SEO offpage. But fully optimizing our entry, we stimulate the way the search engine picks up and reads the keyword and favor the best positions in Google applying all other rules of SEO. Instead of receiving visitors randomized long-tail keywords and low demand, we began to receive visits by specific keywords and medium and high demand.

10 rules of onpage SEO for search engine optimization:

So, here are the 10 rules we apply onpage seo bloggers to position in Google and get more visitors to our blog:

1. The title tag:
The factor that plays the most important onpage SEO is the title of the entry. We must make sure to use specific keyword at the beginning of the title tag. We must not repeat the same word several times and we must limit to 65 characters with spaces. Nor is it advisable to make a very short title tag.

2. Permalinks and friendly urls:
Then we look at the friendly url of the entrance, which is known as WordPress permalinks. Again it is important that we use the specific keyword at the beginning of the url friendly. We should avoid using special characters as symbols, brackets and commas. The ideal is that we use words and dashes to separate them.

3. Headings:
We use headings to divide content in the doorway. The h1, h2, h3, h4 and marked in bold headings and subheadings. By default WordPress title mark as h1 tag in the body of the entry. It is good to repeat many times the h2 and h3 as it is considered bad SEO applied and remove points.

4. Density:
You must enter the main keyword to a density of 2%, and write in the content, once in the first paragraph and the last paragraph. You should use bold, italic and underlined to emphasize important words and phrases for your input. A WordPress bloggers using Yoast SEO recommend to calculate this density. I personally use Easy WP SEO . To calculate the density of a given website click here.

5. Meta Tags:
You must add a meta description and meta keyword unique and relevant to each blog entry. You must use again the keyword specified in the meta description and the meta keywords tag. The meta description should not exceed 160 characters with spaces. You write tags friendly people and get a good click through rate or CTR. It is important to know that Google does not give value to the meta keywords tag, although other search engines like Bing still give it.

6. Images:
The onpage SEO for images is important as it relates traffic from Google search for images of. But the fact that images containing the keyword in the name, image title and image alt, make entry even more relevant in the natural search results. Add one or more images to your post. You must add keywords as part of the name and the alt. The images make our entrance more pleasant to read for people, but keep in mind that images are light to avoid damaging the load times. If you add images to your post heavy, this is going to be affected in searches because Google now considers the loading time as one of the most important SEO factors.

7. Number of words in the content:
It is common to see a blog entry appearing well in the natural search results of Google, if it is short or very few words. Then you must add entries with more than 300 words. Research well about a topic, read posts on other blogs, and brace for high demand keywords, although they are usually very competed, achieving top positions in the rankings of Google get significant traffic volume.

8. Internal Links:
You need to link related entries on your blog. Making send traffic between articles, you increase the time spent on the site and you complement the current entry with other content. Do not wear many outgoing links. When you recommend other entries in your blog you should use natural links that are inserted in the paragraph and that have keywords in the anchor text.

9. External Links:
The above rule talks about linking your own articles. This rule states that it is good to link other websites other than yours and that will help the reader to find more information. When you external links, pointing to reliable websites and blogs. If you have questions about the websites target label uses nofollow so will avoid passing page rank. Among friends and trusted websites and use dofollow and page rank you spent some people and places you care about. To control follow and nofollow tag in WordPress plugin I recommend the Follow / Nofollow Control.

10. Content:
Write compelling content. Write content that will be useful to readers without expecting anything in return. Write content that will inspire your readers to read the entire entry and spend more time on it, otherwise this will be reflected in high bounce rates that are frowned upon by Google. Quality content also generates comments that Google considers as more content, updates of your post and conversation.

Now you know the rules and how to apply. Once you write and publish the content is good to keep track of keywords and see the position on Google. For that I recommend a Andriod application called SerpMojo. It is free and monitors your keyword positions in Google, Yahoo, Bing and is updated once a day or falls by showing improvements in search engine rankings.

Here are 10 rules of seo onpage you should consider for positioning a website in Google. Apply them and you will be one step closer to appear in search results. If I miss a rule you know, share in the comments section.

Friday, 14 June 2013

How To Add Facebook Like Box In Blogger ?

Hi Everyone! Friends my last two posts were related to SEO tips . The first one is  that What Is The Importance Of Meta Tags ? And How To Add Meta Tags in Blogger?and second one is Top 10 Free Ways : How To Drive Traffic Towards Your Website Or Blog. Now my this post is related to Blogger widget. The name of widget about which i am going to tell you is is "Facebook Like Box". Today i will tell you to how to add or install this widget on your blog or a website but first let me tell you the benefits of this widget. The benefits of this Facebook like box is that you can gather your fans and also the lovers for your website. Showing this Facebook like box on your website make it easy for your visitor to give his Feedback to you on your website using Facebook like box. This like box saves the time of your visitor and improves your image in front of  other visitors. Now let's start adding this Widget in your blog.

How To Add Facebook Like Box In Blogger?

Adding Facebook like box is very simple . Just follow the few steps given below and after completing them steps you are done . Here are the steps ...

    First log in to your Blogger Account.

    Go to the blog in which you wants to add this widget.

    Go to layout > Add a Gadget > Click on HTML/JavaScript.

    Write 'Facebook Like Box' in Title box.

    Now paste the following code in the content box.

<iframe src="//;width=290&amp;height=270&
amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp;border_color&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;" style="border:black; overflow:hidden; width:430px; height:258px;" ></iframe>

    Click on save button and that's all about adding Facebook like box in blogger.


Replace with your facebook page URL.
You can also adjust its width and height according to your need.
         Now since you are done with editing now its time to see the live demo. Click on demo button to see that how your Facebook like box looks like...Go on and check it......

Live Demo
Live Demo.

Last Words:
Hope that this post will  help you in understanding about Meta Tags, adding them in your template and increasing your website traffic. If you found that  any link is broken then inform me by giving your comments.Also If you need any help then you are free to ask..... :)

    If you Like this post then share it with others and subscribe with us via email or Follow via Email to keep yourself updated about the posts related to SEO, Web Traffic and much more about Blogging.

    Don't forget to give your comments about the post.

    Thanks for your visit and keep visiting!!!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Social Media Services

Social Media Optimization India

Social media business administration encompasses architecture your brand, loyalty, chump abject and abundant more. Brick Business offers awful customized amusing media business administration casework that advice companies of all sizes with their advancing amusing media business needs. With your best interests in mind, we can actualize an affordable amusing media plan that begins with us acquirements your business and ends with your achievement over the advance of your business.

Our amusing media business access encompasses abounding casework to advice you body your business and get your aggregation noticed by fresh consumers. We pride ourselves on the actuality that our amusing business aggregation needs no contracts, as we accept that if we are accomplishing a acceptable job, you will abide to do business with us.


While amusing media announcement channels accord bodies with the ability and advantage of administration opinions, adventures and angle with anniversary other, the aforementioned alternate and cellophane belvedere works as the average of accelerated burning of advice and architecture reputation. Experts at Amusing Media Business casework ensure that you accretion from all the accessible possibilities.

Apart from blogs, videos and podcasts, bulletin boards, bookmarking and wikis are the added accustomed cartage of a amusing media internet business initiative. Viral Marketing, is addition badly assisting abstraction of amusing media marketing.


Increased company cartage cast in the atomic time frame
Easy about-face and sales tracking
Achieve added folio views, ad acknowledgment through associate accumulation views
Better cast acquaintance amidst ambition user group
Effective, absolute and abiding cast association
Broader ambition chump reach
With web Creative apperception casework aggressive the acceptance ladder at a lightning speed, breeding publicity through SMO has become a broadly accustomed action for all to follow. Businesses that accept taken to the advice of able amusing media business casework accept already reaped more good benefits.

PPC In Ahmedabad India

PPC (Pay Per Click)

The best able techniques of chase agent business for active cartage to any website, Pay per Bang (PPC) Marketing. In PPC marketing, your ad appears to the appropriate duke ancillary listings. It is the easiest and ancient way to your customers. Your barter can be at your feel tips. If you set up a PPC attack to advance your cartage and sales, you can alpha accepting cartage aural 15 account afterwards ambience up your campaign. With PPC, your ad can be displayed on chase engines, agreeable arrangement websites and online announcement networks, which accommodate bags of targeted traffic. We chase an organized way of announcement your business through our PPC campaigns. Our methodologies are different and are applicative to apartment the business needs of our client.

At Web Creative Mind, we chase a PPC Administration (Pay per Bang Advertising) alignment that is advised to advice audience accomplish their Chase Agent Business goals.Our able PPC behest administration servicesare customized alone for all the above chase engines. Thats because we accept that success in Pay Per Bang (PPC Advertising) depends on applying chase agent specific attempt and techniques. Our PPC administration casework admit complete focus on all the above chase engines, we accept formulated alone procedural guidelines for adventure PPC announcement in Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Pay Per Bang announcement (PPC) is a circuitous way of announcement if you appetite to get the actual best acknowledgment for your investment, about SEO Positive accept blooming best some of the best accomplished and abreast Pay Per Bang and Internet Business Specialists from the industry to ensure that your announcement attack gives you the actual best acknowledgment for your investmen

Isn’t Pay Per Bang Administration Expensive?

Pay per bang costs as much, or as little as you appetite it to. You administer your account according to area you appetite to be in the ranks and how continued you appetite to be there for.

Is Pay Per Bang Business difficult to understand?

Pay per bang business is a alarming affair to get into because of the about-face rate’s you may or may not get. But SEO Positive are able PPC business managers and we accept professionals alive on your armpit at all times

SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the action of convalescent the superior and abundance of cartage to a web website from seek engines via “Organic”, “Algorithmic” or “Natural” seek after-effects rather than Pay Per Click (PPC). Cartage exists on Google as able-bodied as the added above seek engines. Seek Engine Optimization is the action of belief that cartage for a specific keyword, affair or area. We can again ascertain your ROI (Return on Investment) afore any plan is agitated out.

Once we apperceive the cartage volumes accessible for your business area, we can accomplish amendments to your website in adjustment to position it it the cartage beck for the accomplished traffic, themed keywords. This ensures that already your website alcove the top ten for anniversary keyword your website will accept a apperceive aggregate of cartage on a circadian basis.

Ninety Nine percent of Web Website Design is agitated out by designers who apperceive little if annihilation about Seek Engines or Optimization. This can actualize above problems for their barter who initially abort to realise that the architecture of their website will aftereffect its adeptness to rank able-bodied in the above Seek Engines. Google for archetype runs one of the worlds better acceptance contests that rewards acceptable Web Website Design & punishes mistakes severely. If the basics of your website are body accurately again not alone will you accept a visually adorable site, but it will aswell accomplish sales and ultimately money for you by getting begin abreast the top of the above seek engines. Seek engines account Web Website Design on a all-inclusive ambit of criteria, which are consistently adjourned to ensure that the a lot of acceptable sites arise in your seek results.

Search Engine Optimization :

Enhance the afterimage of your website, get best targeted traffic, access the acknowledgment on investment with structured Seek Engine Enhancement attack offered by Shah Net. SEO casework provided at our SEO Company India are customized as per your different needs befitting in angle continued appellation business goals. The able aggregation of professionals at Shah Net strives to aerate your profits through Internet business and seek engine placement. Our absolute Seek Engine Enhancement action ensures an online attendance that spells success.

Our SEO bales incorporates the afterward -

Competitor Analysis :

We accomplish absolute analysis on the websites of your top baronial competitors to assay the different variables of your business, which are factored by the seek engines while artful rankings.

Keyword Analysis :

Selecting the adapted keywords for your seek engine enhancement affairs is one of the a lot of cogent aspects of website promotion. Attaining top seek engine rankings or seek engine placements for extraneous keywords ability not do any wonders to abound your business. Hence, our accomplished SEO consultants takes the assumption plan out of keyword analysis by application tools, that acquaint us which key phrases seek engine users usually use to locate your articles and services.

Pre-Optimization Address :

We accommodate you with an antecedent baronial address of your website for the keywords that you wish to be optimized. To assay the SEO rankings of a accurate keyword afterwards achievement of the seek engine enhancement process, you can use this report.

Optimization of Meta abstracts : Shah Net designs an able action for all-around your basic keywords throughout your website and focused Meta Keywords on every page of the site. We shall ensure that able-bodied researched Meta abstracts acclaim your website copy, the affair of the website in accepted and drive accordant traffic.

Designing robots.txt :

The robots.txt page is acute for attached ashen bandwidth that gets acclimated up by causeless crimson spiders. We can actualize and advance your robots.txt book to assure that alone accordant robots are accepting into your site.

Optimization of Internal Bond :

A absolute autogenous bond anatomy helps the seek engines in ample all pages of your website and indexing them appropriately. This eventually boosts the seek engine rankings of your web pages. We shall address a archetype which can be congenital in your website or adapt the absolute agreeable and navigation, to acquisition means to strategically hotlink to added pages of your website.

Designing Seek Engine Affable Website Map :

A able-bodied advised website map abetment visitors and seek engines in aeronautics of your website but generally, it is an disregarded aspect of the website design. Sometimes important pages of a website go unnoticed, appropriately an optimized website map can absolute seek engine spiders to these abysmal pages for bigger indexing. Our able SEO consultants can architecture custom optimized website maps for all activating as able-bodied as changeless websites. Abysmal Acquiescence action to ensure the indexing of the close pages Implementation of Spider Tracker to assay spider visits Ethical Chiral Submissions to Major Seek Engines: Agenda Acquiescence is an able way to accretion superior one way admission links to your site. A seek engine affable web agenda will add a absolute changeless hotlink to your site. Therefore, if the seek engines crawl, this hotlink is counted to account you with added SEO rankings. These links are abiding one way links which would strengthen your hotlink acceptance on the web. We will manually abide your website to top seek engine affable web directories.

Hotlink Exchange Attack for Higher SEO Rankings :

Alternate hotlink architecture can prove one of the a lot of admired methods for website promotion. Our SEO aggregation in India offers able hotlink architecture attack that has the ability to drive an astronomic bulk of accordant cartage to your site. Re-Submission seo advance top Seek engine rankings of your website. Re-optimization and tweaking to advance Seek Engine Placements

Monthly baronial letters :

As our chase up action we accommodate you account website baronial address for your a lot of important keywords.

Optimization of Unlimited amount of web pages: Whether you accept a website of 10 pages or 100 pages, we action SEO casework for n amount of web pages.

Identification of accessible spider stoppers or agitation spots in the website

Future Assistance: We accommodate email and buzz abetment on your seek engine enhancement attack even afterwards the achievement of the process.

Web Business – To Endorse Your Online Attendance

Creation of a website is not acceptable to accomplish it popular, accompany acceptance to your website with Online Marketing. Shah Net SEO offers absolute Web Business Casework to advance your website on the web. We accept provided Website Commercial Solutions to hundreds of business enterprises globally. Our aggregation of Web Business professionals incorporates all facets of seek business to accomplish acknowledgment from your spectators.

With ten years of acquaintance in online business Shah Net SEO specializes in web business services. We focus on all the aspects of web business including Seek Engine Enhancement (SEO), Paid Commercial (PPC), Banner Advertising, Web Submissions and Affiliate Marketing. We aswell accept ability in hotlink architecture and agreeable autograph and enhancement to advice you enhance your rankings and addition accordant cartage appear your site. Our online business casework amalgamate both the artistic and abstruse facets of the internet which cover design, development, commercial and marketing.

Our seek business casework spectrum includes :

Organic Seek engine optimization Online PR architecture (forums, altercation boards, blogs)
Paid commercial (Pay-Per-Click Campaigns)     Interactive advertising
Link Building, Search Engine Submissions
Content Writing, Organic Seek Engine Enhancement & Paid Advertising
Banner advertising
Affiliate marketing
Search Engine Enhancement is an art of appeasing the seek engine algorithms and a company at the aforementioned time and we accept catered this art to our abundant audience worldwide. Pay- per-click paid commercial campaigns set up for your website by Shah Net SEO will get you sales at the a lot of optimal amount level.

Content Optimization Services

We analysis and assay the absolute agreeable to accomplish it seek engine affable as able-bodied as added clear and informative.

Link Building Services India

Back links advertise the acceptance of your business (website). Hotlink Acceptance is abstinent by abundance and superior of the links that point to your website. We at Shah Net SEO action you both one way links and alternate links to abrogate the furnishings of seek engine Spam and complexities of added factors.

Search Engine Submissions

Website Submissions is addition able web business technique, because afterimage of your website in seek engines and directories are acute in adjustment to be acknowledged in Web Marketing. So, we accommodate you chiral acquiescence casework to get adapted results.

Professional SEO Services provider companies in Ahmedabad

SEO - This word holds importance in today's online world. Specially for social media companies and website design and development companies, who would like their website to attract traffic and get more promotion in online search engines. 

SEO in simple term is a service provider that uses the practice of search engine optimization to increase the amount of visitors to a Web site in a quality way based on the target audience by obtaining high rank placements in the search results page. Technically, SEO is simple activity of ensuring that a website is found in search engine with a specific word or phrase relevant to the particular website. E.g- If one wants to search for cats- the search engines pulls out all the websites which has the keyword cat in front of the user. The websites are ranked as per the traffic of the website that surfed the website previously. 

SEO Service provides many options for search engine optimization from onetime fee to regular fees for the services. The SEO experts suggest that, for a website to gain attention and traffic in a search engine, there must be good content that uses words and phrases relevant to the product or service, build links of the website and continue the process regularly over a period of time. 

The technical persons who manage SEO services are called SEO optimizers or SEO persons. They are hired by website developers to help them improve the website and its rank and save their time for promoting. SEO Services include 

- Proper keyword research 
- SEO Training to end users 
- Placing of proper content on website 
- Campaigns for online business development and 
- Giving technical advice for websites like hosting and handling error pages. 

There are many known search engines like Google, yahoo and Bing among others. Google is the most used search engine used by the website users. Search engine optimization is done by spider or crawl method and sometimes also by indexing the website. This process involves a search engine robot or mechanism downloading a page for a user and storing them on the server where other mechanism called indexer pulls out the required information from the page from the word and sends it to the crawler. SEO is practiced by 2 methods-white hat and black hat. 

Although most SEO Companies claim to intentionally put a website ahead for ranking, it cannot be done so, because Google or other search engines do not have any policy for priority websites. A good content and proper keyword is the only way a website generates quality traffic and is ranked ahead. 

SEO can be divided into areas like research, on and off page optimization and monitoring of the website. A quality SEO person tries to find everything about a website before doing SEO like age of the website, whether a CMS software has been used, the opposite competition, pages of the website, any duplicate websites present or not, speed of the website, previous SEO history, SEO Friendly URL's and proper optimization of the website.The SEO Benefits derived from the website include good quality traffic, low and affordable cost, website visibility, good ROI and service, cross browser compatibility and better use. The website is gained by better traffic and good sales of products and services taking the business ahead from others. 

SEO service makes a website stand out from millions of websites on the web. A good SEO Company also provides SEO Reports about the report of the website and its SEO process done. The reports are normally long and have recommendations for SEO for the website owner. Just like a physical business's goal is to do advertisement for better customer attraction and retention along with promotion of its products, likewise, SEO helps a website to promote it online among other websites. Google adwords is one of the tools used by Google to give paid services to the website owner. 

There are many SEO Services in Ahmedabad - Gujarat which provide professional and useful SEO work to website owners.They are well known in their area and online virtual world.

Author Resource:- Mr.Ankit Nayak has been associated with Ahmadabad Based SEO services Provider company - Lets Nurture from 4 years. He has now become an expert in SEO. To Get more information about SEO Services in India,social media marketing and many more internet services,stay connected with Ankit Nayak.

Positive Aspects of Hiring SEO Company in Ahmedabad

Being a top rated Ahmedabad SEO Company we would like to endorse the benefits that an organization can get though the search engine optimization for their online business.

You must have came across the terminologies like search engine optimization or SEO in the past. And if you don’t then it would be very difficult for you to make the optimum use of Internet for your online business. These days it is almost mandatory for any business to promote their services through online Internet marketing. And for that, what basic requirements one needs to have is the authentic SEO Company which has subject expertise and professional approach for promoting website and optimizing results for targeted keywords. With the help of SEO expert, one can improve the online presence of any website by bringing more and targeted traffic to the website. This in terms makes the website easily available to the Internet users. As an Ahmedabad SEO company, we help many organizations and website owners to get matured traffic and improved sales through our professional search engine optimization services.

However, it is not possible for all business owners to have the complete expertise and knowledge about the SEO. And that is why most of the business owners consult or take help from the SEO Company like us in Ahmedabad for their online marketing tasks.

Expressively SEO companies are the firms that can be referred as the team of professionals managing different tasks like search engine submissions, writing and validating HTML codes, content writing, analytics experts and more. However, one should be careful to choose SEO Ahmedabad that you would like to hire for your online business growth. Before making a deal one need to be sure that the company you are choosing is actually able to perform based on your typical requirements or not. Check for the past commitments and credentials and also check for the results company has achieved so far for their clients.

Choosing a right SEO company in Ahmedabad can help you achieve the top ranks based on their skills and tricks to improve the presence of website for targeted keywords and location. The professional SEO Company practices the strategic methods like keyword research, content writing, validating website structure, writing HTML codes, authentic link building and more. It would be difficult for any layman to understand these terms. Hence, it is advisable to opt only for the best and proven SEO Company like Brand Core Media for making things easy for you. Also, by hiring us you can relax yourself from the stress of loosing traffic and potential business due to not having first page rankings.

Seo Services Ahmedabad

The term 'SEO' might be a jargon for many. However, if you are an online business or a service provider, then you cannot afford to alienate from SEO which is an acronym for 'Search Engine Optimization'. We say that because you might be losing out to competition as more and more businesses are entering the online space and the number of websites which are increasing by leaps and bounds leading to a ferocious competition. That's where SEO comes into the picture as it aids a business website to be the forerunner in the race of organic search engine rankings.

To be concise, SEO is a process wherein the objective is to better the volume and relevance of organic traffic to a website by complying with the search engine guidelines with an ultimate goal to either generate leads, extemporize sales, revenue, subscriptions and like. This is what is SEO, rather white hat SEO precisely. While this may sound like a crisp definition of SEO we will delve deeper in the following part of this post.

Search Engine Optimization basics

SEO as a concept, technology, art or science has been ever-evolving and it is imperative that we be in the shoes of the search engine, potential visitor and a business or company website to understand it better.

SEO revolves around the aspirations of all the above entities i.e. search engines, visitor/information seeker and a website owner.

Aspiration of Search Engines

Search engines aim at providing search results which are highly relevant and of superior quality for the searchers. To help search engines do this, websites are expected to adhere to the guidelines laid down by prominent search engines. For instance, here are these guidelines for Webmasters put in place by Google. In order to achieve this there have been more prevailing updates and refreshes to the algorithm making the organic rankings volatile.

Aspiration of an Information Seeker

Wants that the search engines throw the most relevant web pages for the searched keyword.

Aspiration of a Website Owner/Webmaster

A webmaster or an owner of the website wants his/her website to show up on top for the keywords a user is highly likely to search for. Subsequently a visitor landing on their website and taking an action to complete a set goal.

Mantra for making it to the top

As a webmaster, if you build a website or fine tune important elements of the website to fulfill the aspirations of the search engines and a potential user, then be rest assured of ascending to the coveted 'numero uno' position.

Our two cents are as below:

    Build websites keeping the end user in mind.
    Stick to the search engine guidelines i.e. curate a search engine friendly website.
    Do not engage in practices to manipulate search engine rankings.
    Link building? Let them be 'NATURAL' & 'SOCIAL'
    Monitor and keep revisiting your website for site health, hygiene and non-compliance with any latest update or algorithmic tweak.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

How to get indexed by Google in ONE hour

If you’re not familiar with how some people accomplish getting their web sites submitted to Google quickly, you are going to absolutely love this article.

I’ve bet you’ve heard from many people that it can take days, weeks, even months to get indexed by Google. If you have heard that, you’re now thinking, “OK Jamie, you must have had a really stressful day at work today and you’re now hallucinating that this is possible!”.

If I read this blog title a while ago, I’m sure I would be thinking the same thing as you! Ok, let’s move on to how to get indexed by Google within one hour.

The secret is quite simple. Almost every site in today’s Internet world uses the social network sharing buttons. On my blog, I include it on every article page. I also include it on the main listing pages underneath my article summary.

If you don’t already have one of these on your sites, get one now, just search “Share This” or “Add This” and you will find a ton of web sites that tell you to put a few lines of Javascript code on your web site and it does the rest.

Ok, so now you have this button added to your web site? Perfect, I would suggest going to a page on your web site that you think will be the most valuable to other users and submit it to a couple of those sites listed in the button.

I have personally found excellent success with both Digg and Reddit. I launched a web site about 1 or 2 months ago, submitted two links to Digg. I waited about an hour or so and searched Google with keywords that I felt I targeted well and lo and behold there it was, my page was found and indexed with Google. Not only was it found, it was in the top 10!

Don’t just stop here though. Submitting to the above sites will provide you with some quick traffic. It won’t last long if people don’t like your site. Plus, it won’t cause your other pages to be indexed either. It really is just a start.

The next step is to create an XML sitemap of your content. Once you’ve done this, create an account on the Google Webmaster Tools. You will need to add your domain and verify your site before continuing.

Once you’ve completed this, add your sitemap that you previously created. Within a few minutes (some times longer), Google will validate your sitemap and queue all of your links to be indexed.

This of course is not a guaranteed solution to be indexed any faster. But Google certainly seems to crawl your sitemap on a regular basis and check the links. It also checks how often your site is updated, the more frequently it is updated, the more frequently Google will crawl your content!

If it’s possible, you should try to perform some kind of daily updates to your site. Ideally if you allow users to comment, hopefully there will be several new comments per day and this will cause your data to be considered new.

10 Reasons Why You Should Use Videos For Marketing

Video marketing has become the in-thing for any online business. If you have no idea as to why you should use this technique for your business, the following are some of the top ten reasons as to why you should opt to use videos for marketing your business:

1. You will improve your sales

Studies done over time have shown that you can increase your sales just by including a video of a product on your website. This means that video clips automatically translate to better conversion rates and people will be convinced to buy your product or seek your services.

2. You will establish credibility and trust

People are usually skeptical about seeking products and services online due to the number of scams that are available. However, when you create a video that helps to market your product, people will respond more to it and trust your brand.

3. You can drive traffic to your website

When a business markets its product by using popular video sites, they are able to tap into a huge customer pool base. It can therefore take advantage of this opportunity and include links that re-direct customers back to their own websites. This would be a great way of driving traffic to your website; something that would not have been possible if marketing was done via content text.

4. Your brand will be better recognized

When you market your product online, chances are that your customers will be able to remember what brand your product is. According to an online survey done on customers, it was established that out of all the customers that viewed videos of a number of products, 97% remembered the brand that they viewed.

5. You will be able to increase the number of customers

When you post a video of your product online, it means that millions of people all over the globe will have access to it. Your product will have bigger exposure and this means that more people will be interested in your products and services.

6. Gain a competitive advantage

Online business marketing is popular but is still not being fully utilized by most businesses. When you use online video marketing, you will gain a competitive advantage over your competitors.

7. You will get a click-through rate that is higher

Several studies investigating online users show that the click through rate for videos is higher than that of texts in search engine results. If a business takes advantage of this fact and uses online videos to advertise, this will consequently increase search engine visits.

8. Increase your search engine ranking

When you use video marketing, chances of appearing in search engine results will increase. Search engines are more likely to pick up on videos more than content texts.

9. You will be able to retain your website visitors

When visitors click on your web page, they will likely stay there much longer when there are videos that they can view as compared to when they just find texts. Not only will this improve your conversion rates but search engines will note that your website is relevant.

10. Increase your social media engagement

The most popular activity among social media users is to view videos. When you use videos to market your product on social media sites, chances are that you will get noticed and users will share your video. This translates to better exposure.

Curry is a freelance writer that loves to share tips pertaining to tech in general. You can click here to have a look at his site.

Competitive Analysis – Fun, Easy & Important

Competitive Analysis – Fun, Easy & Important

Written by  on April 23, 2012 in Keyword ResearchSEMSEO - 3 Comments
Organic Salad Dressing
Competitive analysis should be a fundamental part of any SEO campaign. It goes hand in hand with keyword research by allowing you to understand what will be required to achieve a first-page ranking for a given keyword phrase. This means seeing the futility of targeting certain phrases or being given the path to a top-ten result for others without wasting any time or effort. Understanding the competitive landscape drives your keyword research and overall strategy. To provide your clients with real value as an SEO advisor, you have to find keyword phrases to target that match their business objectives and can achieve a competitive ranking within their budget, available resources, and time frame.
To begin with, you need to have an understanding of your client’s goals and business model. What sets them apart from their competitors (advantages and differentiators)? What do they identify as their top 5 competitor websites? What do they perceive as their most important search terms? There is often a difference between business competition and online competition, so the actual keyword phrase competitors may vary from their perceived competitors. After compiling some keyword phrases from research and client input, it is easy to use available tools to gather detailed information about how competitive those terms are.
Once you have found the top-ranking websites for the keyword phrase you are interested in targeting, you want to know all of the permutations each site is targeting, how difficult it would be to surpass them, and what links and link types each site has. If you had all of your competitors data, you would know exactly what it would take to achieve their current ranking. By examining their links, you may even discover some resources that will be new to you.

Market Samurai – Compare data about your top 10 competitors in one view

Market Samurai - SEO Competition Module
Market Samurai is a great tool to begin investigating the competitive landscape for a particular keyword phrase. Its SEO competition module allows you to see data from the top 10 sites for the keyword phrase you have chosen in an easy to understand grid. You are able to customize the statistics you see by using check boxes above the grid. Your options include: Domain Age, Page Rank, Index Count, Page Backlinks, Domain Backlinks, several On-page Optimization factors, as well as a few other handy things. Color coding (red, yellow, green) gives you a simple view of how competitive each site is. You are also able to add custom URLs – allowing you to compare your site directly to the sites on the first page of the results. Market Samurai gives you a quick overview of how competitive a given keyword phrase is and what you will need to do to get your site on the first page. – Take a quick look at what keywords your competitor is ranking for is a web-based tool that allows you to type in a domain and see a list of organic keywords that a site ranks for. It also gives you an estimate of the percentage of search traffic and volume that those keyword phrases deliver. This is a great way to discover permutations and long tail possibilities for the keyword phrases you intend to target. You can also enter a keyword phrase and see a list of related keywords as well as its top ranking sites. Understanding the keyword universe of the sites you are competing with is necessary if you want to receive any long tail traffic.

SpyGlass – Gather and Sort Data on All of Your Competitor’s Backlinks

SpyGlass is a utility that pulls information about the backlinks to a site or for a specific keyword phrase. You are able to analyze a site’s links to get data about anchor text, page rank of the linking page, page rank of the linking domain, IP addresses, geography, etc. It provides you with many different filtering options and the ability to create and save custom reports. SpyGlass is a great tool to assemble and sort detailed information about your competitor’s backlinks. This will give you insight into how  to structure your linking strategy and many ideas of where to look for links.
Competitive analysis requires understanding a methodology, not just following a formula – learning to analyze your competition so you know how to beat them. Whether you are starting from scratch or adding content to an existing site, knowing who is ranking in the top 10 for the keyword phrases you are targeting and how they are doing it should dictate your strategy for surpassing them. Collecting the data that allows you to do that is fun and easy. It is also the best way to learn about search engine optimization – there is no “one” answer for how to get your website to rank in the top 10.