Video marketing has become the in-thing for any online business. If you have no idea as to why you should use this technique for your business, the following are some of the top ten reasons as to why you should opt to use videos for marketing your business:
1. You will improve your sales
Studies done over time have shown that you can increase your sales just by including a video of a product on your website. This means that video clips automatically translate to better conversion rates and people will be convinced to buy your product or seek your services.
2. You will establish credibility and trust
People are usually skeptical about seeking products and services online due to the number of scams that are available. However, when you create a video that helps to market your product, people will respond more to it and trust your brand.
3. You can drive traffic to your website
When a business markets its product by using popular video sites, they are able to tap into a huge customer pool base. It can therefore take advantage of this opportunity and include links that re-direct customers back to their own websites. This would be a great way of driving traffic to your website; something that would not have been possible if marketing was done via content text.
4. Your brand will be better recognized
When you market your product online, chances are that your customers will be able to remember what brand your product is. According to an online survey done on customers, it was established that out of all the customers that viewed videos of a number of products, 97% remembered the brand that they viewed.
5. You will be able to increase the number of customers
When you post a video of your product online, it means that millions of people all over the globe will have access to it. Your product will have bigger exposure and this means that more people will be interested in your products and services.
6. Gain a competitive advantage
Online business marketing is popular but is still not being fully utilized by most businesses. When you use online video marketing, you will gain a competitive advantage over your competitors.
7. You will get a click-through rate that is higher
Several studies investigating online users show that the click through rate for videos is higher than that of texts in search engine results. If a business takes advantage of this fact and uses online videos to advertise, this will consequently increase search engine visits.
8. Increase your search engine ranking
When you use video marketing, chances of appearing in search engine results will increase. Search engines are more likely to pick up on videos more than content texts.
9. You will be able to retain your website visitors
When visitors click on your web page, they will likely stay there much longer when there are videos that they can view as compared to when they just find texts. Not only will this improve your conversion rates but search engines will note that your website is relevant.
10. Increase your social media engagement
The most popular activity among social media users is to view videos. When you use videos to market your product on social media sites, chances are that you will get noticed and users will share your video. This translates to better exposure.
Curry is a freelance writer that loves to share tips pertaining to tech in general. You can click here to have a look at his site.
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