Monday, 21 April 2014

10 Tips to Improve Your SEO Using Twitter

Twitter is  the most popular micro blogging platform as of today .Twitter is a large network and  has the potential to supplement your SEO activities .  If the tweets from your account are focused and topical then it surely helps you to establish your online reputation and build a brand online. But, on the contrary, vague tweets do not have any SEO benefit and it is just a sheer waste of time and energy.

Below are some tips that you may consider while tweeting which will help in your SEO campaign.

1. Brand Name
Your brand name or username should reflect your site name or offered services as this is what will be mentioned and displayed as your network, re-tweeted your posts. The more re-tweets your post’s get, the higher its significance.

2. Profile / Bio
As a point of reference, put your website link on your profile page. The "bio content" is the information part of your Twitter. Maximize it and make it relevant to your website. The link that you display on your twitter profile, point it to a relevant page that will help with your conversions, rather than just pointing it back to your websites home page.

3. Links
Since Google is now displaying  tweets in SERPs, despite nofollow, putting your links on your posts will aid your link building activities or has the potential of giving a wider web presence. Also, accompany your links with effective keywords. You can post your links several times or in interval in order to maximize possible keywords and contents, and exposure.

4. Hash Tags
Hash Tags is a Twitter feature that works like a meta data for your tweets. These are posts with "#" symbol like "#web" and "#development". Hash Tags help organize tweets and determine the trending information in Twitter.

5. Mentions
If you to mention users in Twitter you need to put a "@" symbol before their usernames. It is like a retweet effect and the more your account is retweeted, the higher your relevance. It is like voting policy. Hence, whenever you tweet, or Re-Tweet other users ensure to use the @symbol before their username.

6. Be a Help to Others
Re-tweeting, other relevant posts especially those that are of the same niche with yours will help you build your brand and promote your services. Posting everything coming from your site may somehow looks like a spam. Also, as you retweet, you have been a help to others too, by giving your followers a good choice of links to view.

7. Tweet Interval
Do not post bulk of tweets at once because this will annoy your followers, clogging up their stream, but instead spread your tweets out over the day with a decent interval.

8. Blog Site
Promoting a blog site like your corporate one is a good option too. Blog sites can provide more information to your visitors and is the best place to interact with them, help them, know their thoughts, allow them to share your articles and contribute contents via comments, and also giving them the option to Re-Tweet your articles.

9. Twitter Button
Twitter button is now a requirement to many websites because it's easier way for share website pages.

10. Build your online brand
An effective Twitter account does not just help in your SEO, but it will build your online brand, and increase visibility of your company and brand, by building new connections.

Last but not the least, determine a purpose for your Twitter presence. Do you want to focus on customer support or share information about your products and services or would you like to engage with your potential customers or maybe just like to converse with people from your own industry, etc. Only when you have a purpose you will get a direction and only then it is possible to monitor and measure the success.

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