Tuesday, 15 July 2014

How to Redesign a Good Website After the Google Panda Update‏

Today I am going to tell you how to redesign a good website after the Google Panda update. Google is not only looking for good article websites, the layout and other things are also very valuable on Google’s new algorithm.  So you have to think and update your existing website design. You need to produce a good looking and fast loading website.
I request you to go through my other article onGoogle panda Updates before reading this. Here are a few things you can follow to update your pages. First of all I am going to tell you how to create  a simple layout to attract Google.
Try and create a two column website design.  Place the logo to the top left side of the page. On the right hand side you can place the latest article title withlink. Then you place your top menu. After placing the top menu you should think about placing content on the main part.
Here in this image you can see the latest headline section. There you can place your last 10 article titles. Don’t  forget to link it with your article summary. Please keep in mind that do not add too much title on the top of the page.  10 article titles are good enough.
After that you can place latest articles with summary. You can place 5 to 10 articles in the main page. Please try to avoid adding too many tags for the post. Google may consider this as spamming. Please make sure all your  contents are accessible from the main page of your website.
Now you can think about the side bar. Your side-bar must be simple and good looking. Do not add too much ads on the sidebar. Try to add minimal graphics and ads. Do not add any ads on the top half side of your pages.  You can place your ads somewhere after the mid portion of your web page.
You must give more importance to the content of your pages and  not for any ads. Fast loading and good navigational websites are good in terms of new Google’s algorithm. Please make sure your website is fast loading and giving good navigational values.
On the top of your sidebar add your main categories. Do not make too many unwanted categories.It will confuse the search engines. So make it as simple as possible.  After your categories you can place your ad banners. I told you earlier please try to avoid adding too many banners.  Banners will take time to load on your pages . This will seriously affect your Google ranking. Not just that people prefer less advertisement  websites.
Try to give a new experience on your site users. Force them to come back to your website and let them add some plus mark for you!.
Now you need to think about making your footer. Add a top navigational link menu in the footer also. This is good for Google Crawler. Google Panda update is targeting for bad looking websites. Do not make your users confused. Always make your website simple and humble. Please don’t add too many content and links on the footer.
Do not add unwanted pages and non related contents. Only provide your website related with fresh and unique contents. Make sure that you have not added any keyword stuffing on your pages. Adding too many tags are also considered as keyword spamming . So keep away from such behaviors. Try to boost your good design and content in front of new Google’s Panda updates.
I am sure a well structured and good content website will have all the value in Google’s new algorithm. The core idea is this make sure your website is simple and good looking. Less ads, fast loading, minimal graphics and less java scripts etc.
Also while adding image on your articles or on your pages, please add relevant alt tags, it is very valuable in Google’s new algorithm. Be a trust worthy fellow to your website users. Then search engines will also trust you. Google’s new change is for it’s users. Google wanted it’s users to be happy and get 100%  satisfaction while they are on Google search. Google don’t want to direct it’s users to any wrong place. So if your website is catchy, you can definitively drive the real and valuable Google search users to your website.
Google Panda loves good articles rich, simple and nice designed websites. Keep away from unwanted SEO methods. So friends try to make a good website and make Google panda as your lovely lover for ever.


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