Wednesday, 12 August 2015

How SEO and Inbound Marketing Can Grow Your B2B Marketing Performance

B2B SEO Inbound Marketing
Call it organic marketing, call it inbound marketing or even content marketing – the practice of creating useful information to generate demand and attract an audience of buyers vs. buying ads to push messages out to them is one of the highest impact, low cost approaches to digital marketing a business can take.
The practice of optimizing content for better search visibility goes hand in hand with the broader approach of inbound marketing. SEO best practices can be applied to content across the entire sales cycle to surface brand content during awareness, consideration and purchase behaviors as well as after the transaction to reinforce retention and advocacy goals.
While SEO has evolved along with the changes search engines continue to make, it’s still full of opportunities. In particular, is the practice of creating amazing content and media only to rely on paid amplification for exposure – ignoring the value that natural search brings to the visibility of content. That said…

The only thing worse than no SEO is “All SEO”

The hubris of only seeing online marketing opportunities through the eyes of search engine optimization creates situations where the mighty keyword takes precedence over customer engagement and conversions. Sure, ranking and referred organic traffic are the KPIs SEOs are most often held accountable to, but using SEO as the sole determinant for content inspiration and promotion is “limiting” to say the least.
Recently I had a chance to elaborate on this perspective with the folks at DGR in an interview about how B2B companies can better understand SEO and Inbound Marketing to boost the performance of their marketing. Here’s most of that exchange:

What are some of the best practices for SEO and Inbound Marketing? 

Like any marketing program, best practices inbound marketing and SEO start with objectives, an understanding of the target customer and a marketing plan with a tactical mix. Defining key performance indicators that track progress as well as metrics that will determine program success are also best practices.
Where a lot of marketers fail with inbound marketing efforts is to view content solely as a link building tactic for SEO. Or they see content as something that only matters for search rankings and not something that can pull customers through from awareness to consideration to purchase.
Inbound relies on content to attract, engage and convert new customers that are actively looking for solutions. Marketers that understand how customers discover information on the web can effectively plan content around topics buyers want information on. Keyword research around those topics will aid in the optimization of the content so it can be found through search.
Best practices SEO is a combination of technical readiness of a website, optimized content and links. Factors like page loading speed, authorship and structured data can improve different aspects of search marketing performance as well. Creating useful information that is optimized for the things buyers are looking for is another best practice. Actively promoting content will attract links from other websites and social networks, driving traffic and serving as signals that can be very powerful for search marketing visibility.
There are many other organic or inbound marketing best practices that range from publicity and media relations to leveraging social media and realtime content recommendation engines for content topics. And we can’t forget email marketing, marketing automation and conversion optimization.

What’s working well with SEO and Inbound Marketing?

Companies that get the blocking and tackling of technical SEO readiness and rich content (text, images, video and audio) plus active promotion to attract links have many more opportunities to refine their search marketing performance. Some of those opportunities include:
Integration of Content, SEO, Social Media and PR: Integrating SEO and inbound marketing efforts with media relations works well since established publications that cover a brand can send traffic and strong link signals that influence rankings.  Creating rich media content like videos, presentations, infographics and interactive tools that are useful and entertaining (and also optimized for keywords) can attract direct traffic, links and social shares that result in improved organic visibility.
Marketing Automation: When there is an active effort to create optimized and socialized content for the interests of specific customer segments, marketing automation software can be very effective for nurturing prospects through the buying cycle. Email communications directly with interested prospects that inform and inspire them to move from interest to transaction has worked very well for many companies, especially in the B2B space.
Brand Publishers: Businesses that take content seriously are becoming publishers in their own right and a robust mix of content design for specific customer segments can be a goldmine for an inbound marketing program. But it takes time to get that kind of momentum, so patience and an ongoing effort to optimize program performance is necessary. Insight from CRM analytics, conversion data, SEO keyword research, social media monitoring and real-time interactions with content can all inform the long and short term content planning for a very powerful inbound marketing program.

How can marketers improve the performance of their inbound campaigns? 

Any inbound program can be improved upon, depending on program goals and the ability to execute on a strategy. The first step is to view inbound as equivalent with overall marketing vs. a campaign with a start and stop. Inbound requires a long term commitment to content, promotion and analytics as well as an ongoing effort to optimize inbound marketing performance.
Understanding the questions customers need answered in order to buy is the most fundamental thing marketers can act on to improve the performance of their inbound campaigns. As my co-worker Alexis Hall has mentioned to me many times, “A shift from product focused content to customer needs focused content provides an amazing difference in marketing performance.” Answering customer questions is the most straightforward way to meet customer information needs.
A content plan that maps key questions along the buying cycle for each customer segment can be the roadmap for content that is optimized for search, socialized for networks and publicized for industry blogs and publications.  It’s often an inbound marketing improvement opportunity to revisit the data that informed each customer segment profile and persona, since customer communities can be quite dynamic. Adjusting for changes in customer preferences can result in improved content and inbound marketing performance.
By delivering content that’s actually useful to buyers (instead of how brands define useful) marketers can find substantial performance improvements.

What are some of the things B2B marketers need to consider as they plot their inbound and SEO strategies going forward?

For B2B marketers and longer sales cycles, content that fuels the buyer journey is important and distinctly different than B2C. Studies show that content preferences for B2B marketers can be different, requiring brands to conduct research, produce longer form content and both on and offline events. While B2B is often associated with boring white papers and case studies, the information in those content types is highly valuable for customer acquisition.
What B2B marketers need to consider is the packaging of their content to become both informative and entertaining, aka “infotainment”.  Competition for time and attention is fierce with the rise of content marketing, so brands need to tap into the creative and “human” side of B2B in order to stand out.
Also, many B2B buyers are committees, not sole individuals. That requires some understanding of the committee process and dynamic. You may have multiple personas to deal with and create content for, which is very different than implementing an inbound marketing program directed at a single persona.

Where Social Media and SEO Fit in Today’s Content Marketing Mix

Search Social Content Marketing
Whether your role is in search, social media, marketing communications or PR, the importance of content marketing is unmistakable.
Brand content budgets and participation are up with the vast majority of B2C and B2B marketers now using content marketing. The industry is coming together on best practices and organizations are evolving their structures to include roles like Chief Content Officer and Brand Journalist.
While there is growing synergy between search, social media and content marketing, they don’t often function collaboratively in organizations. There are also some misconceptions about what content marketing really is.
This post will dig in to some of the realities of incorporating an integrated approach that leverages the best of search, social media and content marketing, while dispelling some of the myths that keep integrated efforts apart.

Be the Best Answer

Optimized, socialized, publicized and influencer activated content is essential for reaching information hungry, multi-tasking audiences who are bombarded with new messages every day. In order for brands to be credible and prominent on the search and social web for their customers, they’ll need to understand the best of each discipline and how to put them together. SEO can deliver content-rich answers to buyers at the moment of need, and social media can provide the means to connect and engage. Both publicity and influencer relations provide credibility and reach. All rely on content to achieve success.
While many marketers will debate what comes first, content, social media or SEO, the most practical approach is to use the tactics necessary for your target audience in order to “be the best answer” wherever customers are looking.

SEO is the Condiment, Not the Sandwich

More than keywords and links, search engine optimization is an important part of the success equation when it comes to content marketing. While SEO has traditionally been able to drive online marketing performance on its own, search engine updates to address content quality and the more conversational nature of search behavior have combined with the growing popularity of social networks to change the SEO landscape forever.
Think of SEO this way: If a customer-focused content marketing program is the sandwich, then SEO is the mayonnaise. It touches nearly everything and enhances the overall flavor of the sandwich. But on it’s own, not very appetizing.

SEO for Content or Content for SEO?

Many SEO-turned content marketers are focused on creating more content or creating content as a means to attract links. This is a similar approach as when social media became popular in the SEO world. Social networks and media use was focused on attracting attention to further attract links, not to create relationships, engagement or inspire transactions and referrals.
A simple comparison tells the tale: Having 500 optimized blog posts on every derivative of a 50 phrase keyword list that no one wants to read is no more useful than attracting 50,000 drive-by visitors to your site for 10 seconds each from Reddit. Being held accountable to superficial performance metrics drives superficial tactics. Do you really want your marketing characterized as superficial?
Understanding the difference between mechanical tactics and meaningful outcomes is an important distinction when hiring content marketing professionals or a content marketing agency. It can mean the difference between a keyword hell of thin content, or a content portfolio that serves real customer interests and proudly represents what your brand stands for.

Optimize Your Opportunities

Search marketers are, by their nature, opportunists. Each time a major trend in online marketing emerges, from blogging to social media, SEOs have adapted and engineered their way to discover every possible workaround or tactic to create a marketing advantage. This opportunism has extended to content marketing as well.
Operating within the guidelines of quality marketing, such adaptability is a highly valuable perspective to take. However, when opportunism bleeds into manipulations outside the scope of search engine guidelines, the risks can turn out to be painful and sometimes disastrous to a business.
But here’s the thing: Google is a battleground for SEOs and those with real, on the ground experience that have been able to adapt successfully can become some of the most valuable marketers you will ever find.
Being both creative and analytical as well as lateral thinkers, marketers with an optimized state of mind are particularly adept at finding solutions to complex marketing problems. But those SEOs that are still stuck on content marketing as “more fuel for keywords” and social media as “link building” should probably be avoided.

Social vs. SEO Focused Content Marketing

There are any number of benefits for engaging a SEO focused agency for content marketing compared to a social media agency. They each play essential roles for content amplification at all stages of the buying cycle. Here are a few common characteristics of each:
SEO Focused Content Marketing
  • Tactical approach: more content equals more search presence
  • Topics derived from actual search demand
  • Keyword managed content plans tied to performance
  • Continuous cycle of performance improvement using search analytics
  • Organic amplification is “built-in” to content creation
  • Content promotion, link building and social promotion
  • Good SEO is good user experience
  • Technical optimization
  • Performance is focused on search KPIs and conversions
Social Media Focused Content Marketing
  • Topics focused on brand and messaging
  • Shorter form content: status updates, blog posts, image tiles
  • Topics managed by social content calendar
  • Social monitoring surfaces new, real-time content opportunities
  • Amplification is often organic but increasingly paid
  • Influencers engaged to co-create and promote through social
  • Performance is based on views and engagement
  • Conversion and ROI are more difficult to measure with confidence

What should companies look for with search and social media when considering content marketing resources?

Goals and accountability are essential for an optimized and socialized content marketing program to succeed. For an integrated approach, here are three of your most important considerations to ensure content performs for customers and your brand.
  1. Attract –  How will the particular content object attract exposure? Will your content perform as part of an ongoing narrative? Will it be a part of a sequence? Will it be connected to other content objects through links, repurposing or curation? Where content is promoted on social networks will matter for attraction as much as what phrases and questions are used for search engine optimization.
  1. Engage – How will the content object be meaningful to the reader such that they interact, react and respond to it?  What context needs to exist in order for the content to be so relevant that it inspires action? Social Media and Search both play a role in developing the context for engagement. When they interact with what they find, does the customer think, “Yes, that’s exactly what I was looking for”, or something else?
  1. Convert – How will the optimized content object persuade the reader to take the next step? Each content object can play a role in guiding the reader from one stage to the next in a brand and customer relationship. From awareness to purchase to advocacy, conversions are happening at each stage whether it’s a social share, subscribing to a newsletter, downloading a white paper, signing up for a webinar, filling out an inquiry form or making a referral.
Within your content plan, think about how you can make these actions easy and intentional for the target customer.  An optimized content plan means being accountable to discovery, how it’s best consumed and what messages will inspire action.
Remember, content is the reason search began in the first place.  Take an optimized approach to incorporating search, social media, publicity and influencers with your content marketing programs. Make sure your content is accountable for attraction, engagement and conversion. With that focus on accountability, the investment you make in high quality, optimized and socialized content will pay returns over and over again.
If you haven’t read it yet, be sure to check out Optimize for a full plan on developing an integrated content marketing program.
Image: Shutterstock

Content and SEO Beyond Marketing – Optimized Digital Communications

optimized digital communications

Content is the reason search began in the first place.

In the days before Google, directories, lists and forums were the way to discover new content on the fast-growing world wide web.
During those early days, the web was as much about the experience of discovery, aka “surfing”, as it was about finding specific answers.
Answers to what? Many marketers would have you believe the only content that exists is the information created in support of buyers to discover, consume and transact.
But there’s far more to the web than demand generation and advertising. Content is created by companies to serve a variety of business functions from customer service to corporate social responsibility to talent acquisition.
The irony is that much of that content is created without consideration of specific audience needs, preferences and measurable outcomes.
Why should you care? Outside of the fact that designing content with specific audiences, experiences and measurable outcomes in mind helps make it more effective, consumers of digital content have evolved. Their expectations of brand communications have moved beyond single channels of information discovery and consumption. So in order for modern marketers and communicators to effectively connect with the audiences they intend to reach, content and media can and should be optimized for discovery, engagement and action.
An optimized approach to all corporate content creation is as relevant to corporate communications, PR and customer service as it is to marketing.
How so you ask?
Imagine news content optimized for search where journalists are the the target audience vs. buyers of your services. If you could achieve an increase in unsolicited media pickups by making company content for the media and easy for journalists to find, then you could improve the ROI on media relations efforts or even offset some of your PR expenses.
Or what about job listings created from the perspective of candidates and how they look for opportunities vs. the templates most often used by corporate HR departments? Properly optimized for search and social networks, those job listings created from the “buyer” aka candidate perspective could improve recruiting ROI and possibly offset costs for recruiters.
Empathy with your target audience in terms of content discovery, consumption and action is relevant to all types of digital communications for any purpose. With measurable goals and specific audiences in mind, content can be held accountable for attracting that intended audience, engage them in a meaningful way and provide actions to take that are measurable.
So instead of creating content for job listings, FAQ and customer support, PR and company news content simply for the sake of publishing to an audience that is already on your website or aware of your brand, talk to your marketing resources about how to identify specific target audiences.
Make an effort to find out what formats, topics and measurable actions could be applied to content planning.  Also consider how that content will be discovered and employ SEO, social media promotion and even targeted advertising to attract relevant “buyers” of your information.
When content marketing best practices are applied to all corporate content (in a relevant way) then the effectiveness of brand digital communications increases, customer experiences improve (candidates, investors, journalists, current customers) and content strategists can draw from the measurement data to further optimize their effectiveness.
The icing on the cake? The more corporate communications is optimized for discovery, consumption and action, the more assets there are for marketing to benefit from – everybody wins!
Identifying specific goals for corporate digital communications is what Chapter 4 is all about in Optimize: How to Attract and Engage More Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media and Content Marketing. Applying that chapter alone is worth picking up the book.

6 Steps to an Optimized and Socialized Content Workflow

optimized integrated content
Digital marketing tactics have changed over the years but one thing has not – Customers are in the driver’s seat when it comes to the insights marketers need to deliver relevant, meaningful and useful content at the right time and the right place.
To realize the benefits of customer insight requires an integrated approach – especially when it comes to content – discovery, consumption and interaction.
Moving from planning to practice, especially within a large organization with regional operations, business units, divisions and departments, processes are essential for adoption, quality and scale. Operationalizing the integration of content, social media and optimization is one of the essential workflows that marketing departments can implement. But what does that look like?
Here’s a content and social media focused optimization workflow that often inspires our work at TopRank Online Marketing to get you started:
Content Planning
  • Research Customer Segments and Develop Profiles / Personas
  • Map Topics & Keywords to Buying Cycle for Each Major Customer Persona
  • Create an Optimized Content Plan (New): Site, Blog, Social Profiles & Networks
  • Off Site Content: Guest Blog Posts, Byline Articles, Content Objects (eBooks, Infographics, Video, Reports, Guides)
  • Align Optimization to Content Marketing Campaigns: White Papers, eBooks, Reports, Guides, Webinars, etc
  • Content Amplification: Organic and Paid
  • Keyword Audit, Difficulty and Glossary – Identify broad themes and specific to customer segments
  • Content & Digital Assets Audit
  • Tech SEO Audit
  • External Link Audit
  • Social Media Audit
  • Competitive Audit
  • Restate hypothesis and strategy based on audit data
  • Identify top priorities
  • Document a timeline for implementation
  • Identify internal and external resources
  • Overlay brand messaging and keyword targets to the marketing plan (campaigns, projects)
  • Assign measurement KPIs and outcomes to each major priority
On and Off Page SEO Implementation
  • Keyword Mapping to Content
  • On-Page Content Optimization: Rewriting, Creation
  • SEO Mechanics: Crawl, Page Speed, Structured Data, HTML/Code, URLs, Internal Links
  • External Link Building: Acquisition, Reclamation, Disavowal – Coordinate with PR, Social, Partners
  • Social Profile Optimization, Registrations: Brand, Executives, Prominent Internal SMEs
  • Digital Asset Optimization: Image, Video, Audio, MS Office Docs, PDFs
  • Share Optimization Targets & Best Practices With All Content Creators: Marketing, PR, HR, Social, Legal, Corporate Comms
Social Media Integration
  • Social Profile Alignment – Messaging, Themes, Trigger Keywords
  • Optimize Social Connections: Google+, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr, Instagram, SlideShare
  • Blog Optimization: Search, Social, Community, Syndication
  • Social Network Development – Themes, Community Growth, Engagement
  • Influencer Engagement: Advocacy, Co-Creation
  • Social Media Content Amplification – Organic, Paid
Performance Measurement and Optimization
  • SEO KPI Measurement: Ranking, Referred Organic Traffic Keywords, Links, Share of Search Results
  • Social KPI Measurement: Brand + Keyword Mentions, Social Referred Traffic, Engagement, Social Citations, Sentiment, Share of Conversation
  • Content KPI Measurement: PageViews of Target Content, Actions from Target Content, Shares, Engagement, Links
By incorporating customer and content optimization into the content marketing process, you can realize operational benefits that range from increased adoption of optimization best practices to becoming more efficient – ie. capable of realizing a greater impact without adding resources.

Make Sure Your SEO Strategies Are Keeping Up With Latest SEO Updates

Hire SEO Expert
As many advertising strategies and internet based professions are developing search engine optimization is no different. There are constant changes due to new updates being released, new trends being discussed and new strategies being developed. This makes it so SEO also needs to constantly “be on the move” so to speak.
Over the past year Google has updated its algorithm 13 times, according to Moz’s change history. However, we mustn’t forget when looking at public updates that there are almost constant minor changes daily.
At Hire SEO Expert we take into account all these factors and adjust our strategies accordingly, aiming at creating the best possible strategies for our clients.
Firstly, 2015 has found us to be more mobile so we create and optimize for mobile traffic as Google is now more responsive to websites that provide the best user experience, and has recently started including a “mobile-friendly” notation next to websites in mobile search results that are indeed mobile friendly.
Secondly, we have also now begun optimizing for Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo as other search engines have begun to take more of the market share. Recent developments suggest that other search engines could possibly become more and more popular as time goes on. This possible change can be seen in the fact that Firefox out did Google and Yahoo will now be the default search engine for the browser. Google’s deal is also up with Safari in 2015, and reports have both Bing and Yahoo trying to secure that spot. The option to switch default browsers in iOS 8 and OS X from Google to DuckDuckGo also exists.
With search engines other than Google becoming more popular and accepted it is vital to have visibility across these search engines in addition to Google.
Thirdly, SEO companies need to work passed putting an emphasis on keyword rankings to determine the success of a campaign based on keyword positions, as ranking reports can be made to look pretty and some SEO companies will even target useless keywords just to say, you are ranking number one. What needs to be said is that your ranking is increasing your Return on Investment, so you are not only ranking number one but also making the profit that needs to along with the ranking. If you are a businessman you realize that being number one means nothing if you are not turning a dime.
Furthermore, a more focused social-media approach is definitely a must!!! As social media has now turned into a media platform no longer only sharing your daily news but also advertising your social audience expects your brand to engage with them on a more personal level. Social media was once just a platform to share content, so businesses would sign up for every social platform under the sun and blast their content everywhere but now social media is a marketing channel as well as a customer-service channel, thus, making it more effective to focus on two or three social-media platforms rather than anything else.
This not only helps you generate more leads, sales and revenue, but it also helps to build a very loyal following that will share your content. This can introduce new people to your brand and even present opportunities to earn links.
Another point to consider is earning links rather than building links it is a well-known fact that inbound links are the most influential signal of trust and authority. This is never going to change. What has changed, however, is strategy!!
The days of building links on irrelevant blogs and chasing large quantities of links to game the search results are over. Earning a single link on a high-quality relevant website is valuable for multiple reasons including SEO, attracting referral traffic, leads, sales and branding exposure. Look for traditional PR and SEO to work closer together in 2015.
Finally, it has become quite apparent that targeting more precise keywords and search phrases has taken over the lead of broad targeting. While broad keywords tend to have a huge search volume, they don’t attract highly targeted traffic and they are expensive to rank. Targeting long-tail search queries not only attracts qualified “buyer” traffic, but these terms will typically have much less competition. Keyword research along with understanding the shopping and purchase patterns of the target consumer can help to identify search terms and phrases to go after.
SEO ConsultantAffordable SEO PackagesLink building Service

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Why SEO Is Important For Every New Website?

SEO is the finest methodology to grow up your online business for a long time. For the successful online business and connect to the more customers, we need to strong and right prescript to ensure your online business growth regularly and SEO is the best prescript.

Importance Of SEO & Online Marketing

If you want to start-up the new online business and want to get more visitors and traffic, then how it is possible? What way will you choose? How will you promote your business and make more popular? I think these are the real and genuine questions if anyone does start a new business. And the answer to all questions is “SEO (Search Engine Optimization)”.
Because only SEO can make your website more popular and can bring lots of visitors. However, here is the two ways to promote your business, the first one is paid advertisement and the second is free organic SEO.
 Paid advertising is the traditional way to promote any kind of online business. But it’s for a limited audience and time while you pay for the Google. Also the cost will be high which depends on your text size or image size.
Instead of paid advertisement organic SEO is better because you can do this by yourself or you can hire SEO expert. The cost will be less instead of paid advertisement. However, organic SEO takes time and you can’t expect the instant result then you have to take patience. But organic SEO will give you the establish result for a long time. For getting the first page ranking, we need a right methodology and SEO is the first and strongest way.
You can make your website more users friendly only with the help of SEO, because it brings lots of positive impact and real organic customers for your business. And if you think that creating a website with attractive pictures and modern design to attract more people and get more leads, then you are thinking wrong. It needs to proper and right optimization strategy, need to make your website more SEO & user friendly and it’s only possible by SEO service.
That’s why SEO is important for every new online business.

Importance OF Social Media In Online Marketing

Hand holding a Social Media 3d Sphere
I think most of the internet savvy knows very well about social media, but most of don’t know its importance. Do you know? Anyways, if you don’t know then I’ll explain you about the social media and its importance.
What Is Social Media & Its Importance?
Social media provides a platform where you can create and share your thoughts, content, videos, photos etc. to other people. You can expand your network with the help of social media. There are the certain social media sites allow you to share everything like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Myspace, YouTube and more and I think most of the people active on these social media sites.
Now come to the second point, about its importance. Social media, it’s not a just limited to, sharing our thoughts and content, whereas it is a vital part of online marketing. Yes, you can promote your business or any kind of brand via social media sites. Because nowadays billions of users do spend their time on social media sites means if we share or post our products on social media than definitely we can get high volume visitors to our online business. And yes its cheapest way of marketing of your product or website. That’s why most of the user uses social media sites for promoting their business over here.
At social media sites you can easily find out the group of those people who might be interested in your product. But for this you have active on these social media sites, thereby the public will get to know about your website and product.
Social media is one of the best parts of online marketing where you can catch the thousands of the customers within a short time whether it’s your small business or worldwide business.
How to promote your product or website on social media sites?
Yes, it’s a big fact, for online marketing that is how to promote your product or how to represent your product in front of a billion people. And you should know about that because the competition going to be increased over the social media. Today, most of the IT firms provide the social media marketing services and from where you can hire SEO expert or SMO expert because only SEO expert knows very well about how to do the social media marketing and how to reach the unique customers. They can represent your product attractively in front of users.
It is the only way to generate sales and leads for your business. So now we can say that social media is the vital part of online marketing.

What to expect from a Search Engine Optimization Consultant

Search engine Optimization is a term integrally connected to on-line and website promotion as it is what determines which websites are found on or near the top of all web search engines. Search Engine optimization refers to a number of strategies that are used to increase visibility of a website on the internet. In other words simply having a website is no longer good enough to be and stay on the top of a search engine list because of the constant algorithmic changes making  it is necessary to not only use search engine optimization strategies but to hire a company that specializes in it.
Hire SEO expert to take care of all search engine optimization needs from design to off-page and on-page optimization. SEO companies use strategies such as SEO Copy Writing, article writing and submission as well as press release submission to attract more traffic to your website and also generate a “buzz” around your company, your product or the service you provide. Keyword related blogs are also posted as well as social networking comments on sites such as facebook, twitter, my space, Instagram and others. Another strategy used when you Hire SEO expert is Multilingual SEO which increases click through rates according to your web presence and individual market content which in turn is optimized on cultural behaviour and language of each region.  This marketing strategy refers to international keyword optimization as well as website translation; work on- page optimization and off-page optimization is also used.
In addition with SEO Analytics, Web Analysis Reports are created so as to measure the success of the marketing strategy. Furthermore, SEO Consulting Services allow for customised press releases, content writing, PPC management, on-page optimization, local search engine optimization and most importantly customised SEO packages. A final strategy used by Hire SEO expert is directory submission and web directory manual submission, book marking services with high visibility, registration of article submission on friendly based directories and most importantly System Engine Submission.
Taking it a step further a personal Search Engine Optimization consultant follows your website’s progress from beginning to end. As a first step a consultant will analyze the position of the current site in major search engines using the keywords and compare them with their competitors to analyze the strength, of the positioning of the client’s website. Positioning is essential for optimizing a site as required by the search engines.
The basic strategies included in customized packages provided by search engine optimization consultants are:
On Page Optimization Services from Meta tags creation to content writing, interlinking updates and navigation;
Off Page Optimization Services include directory and Article submission, blogging with commenting, press release submission, link exchanging and more;
  • Page Speed optimization,
  • HTML Optimization,
Article Submission Service, all keyword intense in order to bring more traffic to your website and also to generate more awareness around your company, your product or the service provided
  • Video Submission Service
  • Blog Creation & Posting also Keyword related
  • Social Media Profile Creation
  • Link building Service
  • Business Listing Service
  • Document sharing service
  • Image posting service

How SEO services increase traffic

The increase in blogging, nowadays, has led every business website to start blogging to bring more traffic to their websites.
As like others we also want more traffic to our website, don’t we? We all would love to see our Google Analytics accounts filled with a high number of visits, right?
Of course, we all want successful blogs with successful content. For some, having a high number of page views is critical – especially if it is about to be a source of income via advertising or Google AdSense.
Get More Blog Traffic Using a BlogsTrend Theme and SEO services
In this article, I’ll give you a variety of tips that you can use on your own blog. When you start blogging, your main priority is to produce great content leading to getting noticed.
But let’s know about page views first.
What are page views?
Page views are the hits that your own page or blog receives when being visited by the users. The more visitors you have; more will be the increase in your page views. Infact more Page Views means more traffic on your blog and on the whole on your website.
Great Ways To Increase Blog Traffic
Five Stages Of Effective Blogging
Effective Content
I know you’ve heard this a million times that “Content is King”. When new bloggers start creating their content for the first time, their blog looks small and they have a less number of subjects to write about. But as time goes on and they start adding new subjects thus gathering some great content as their blog begins to grow.
Low bounce rate
However, if you’re thinking to start a blog – write 10 to 15 great articles or Hire SEO experts first before you publish your blog. When you start promoting your blog via SEO services readers will have something to see and will find something new to read.
Unfortunately, we didn’t do hard work and without effective content we post our blogs and wait for the blog to become popular. If there’s no content to share – your blog will not be thought of as meaningful. When you have over 50 good articles, your blog will start becoming popular and you’ll have some great audience and readers that will share your posts.
Visit sites like: Twitter, Yahoo Answers and read other blogs to see where people are facing problems. Then start planning to write the articles that are related to their problems or Hire SEO experts. Content that solves problems is always in demand. Look at the number of self-help forums and blogs that are very successful.
Well-written improved blog content from the start is the best way to become popular.
Daily page views
How are your levels of contribution these days? Do you give more of yourself? Successful bloggers and business owners’ contribute a lot more and offer more value as do hire SEO experts. As a blogger, you need to contribute a lot more too.
There are a variety of ways to contribute. You can use SEO services to:
  •     Create videos.
  •     Host interviews with successful people.
  •     Create pod-casts.
  •     Create an eBook and give away for free.
  •     Write guest posts on certain blogs.
  •     Provide a content-rich newsletter.
  •     Develop a series of tutorials that provide great value to the reader.
Outstanding contribution provides: creditability; high quality service and further opportunities. Blogging is long-term. This is not a “get-rich” scheme. It is a slow strategy but yet very a effectiveSEO service.
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Successful people value their communities. A community is where people share and contribute: ideas; values; skills and beliefs. Businesses rely on their communities and networks to keep their business going. Serving your community is the most important SEO service leading to becoming successful. The more value you add to your contribution and community – the stronger your blog will become.
Focus on lowering your bounce rate
A low bounce rate is a sign of a good blog. If I bounce a ball against a wall you’ll notice that the ball doesn’t stay on the wall for long. The same principle is applied to your blog pages. If I click on your blog page and don’t click on anything else – I’ve bounced off your blog. In essence, your goal is to keep the reader interested. A good bounce is about 25%-30%.
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Use a Hire SEO expert to make your home page like the front page of a magazine. Make it simple and yet effective. Include relevant information there and neglect the unnecessary part. You can also get the help of a magazine or a Hire SEO expert. Pick up a magazine and look at the front cover and see what grabs your attention? Apply the same concept on your home page as well. Moreover, you can use features like Facebook Like Button and Like Box on your home page to bring more visitors to your website.
Why should I stay on your blog?
The only thing I care about is: “If you can give me good advice?” If you can help me with a problem I am more likely to stay. This is why the top bloggers succeed. Egos can destroy you if you’re a blogger. Focus on what’s important – the reader!