Monday, 23 June 2014

Basic HTML Every Blogger Should Know

I receive lots of emails asking basic HTML questions, so it’s time for a little lesson. This is the stuff every blogger should know in order to keep their site looking clean and organized.
IMAGE CODE <img src=”http://image.jpg”>
LINK CODE <a href=”http://link.html”>LINK</a>
OPEN LINK IN A NEW WINDOW <a href=”http://link.html” target=”blank”>LINK</a>
LINK AN IMAGE <a href=”http://link.html”><img src=”http://image.jpg”></a>
IMAGE WITHOUT A BORDER <img src=”http://image.jpg” border=”0″>
<div align=”left”>Align this text to the left</div>
<span style=”color: #c607e9;”>this text is purple</span>
<p>Creates a paragraph</p>
Creates a line break<br>
LINK TO AN EMAIL <a href=””></a>

It takes some patience to learn HTML, but if you’re serious about blogging or setting up a website, it’s worth the effort. I am a self-taught designer and you can teach yourself too. Next time you run into a problem, instead of looking for a quick answer, take the time towork through a tutorial and gain a better understanding of how all this internet stuff works.

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